Today Gediminas, one of the founders of Wacademy is on the spotlight for answering some short questions
If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Crepes! With bananas and hot chocolate! My whole family rocks at making crepes and we even have a tournament of best crepes maker every year!

What are 3 apps on your phone you can’t live without?
Maps – because I travel a lot; Calendar – because planning is everything; Chess – because it improves strategic thinking & helps to kill the some minutes when needed (I hate waiting:)).
Please reveal on interesting fact about you that nobody knows!
When I was 15, I had a start-up You could buy a virtual brick on a never ending wall for 2 Euros to put the initials of you and the love of your life. We sold 60 bricks 😂 I made this startup because I was in love with one girl from school.
What was your biggest failure and what you’ve learned from it?
For quite a long time in my life I felt depressed because I didn’t know what exactly do I want to do in my life. But searching for your own identity is a normal stage of our lives. You just need to keep looking! ❤️ Failure to understand this, was the biggest failure of my life.
If you could have a dinner with any person, dead or alive, whou would it be and why?
Marcus Aurelius the last Great Emperror of Rome. He formed a list of “meditations” or daily rituals for balanced life. Would like to discuss those rituals with him as well as the principles of fair management that he applied when he ruled Rome. Buddha I reject only because he would say that I am him (just like everyone else) 😁